PFD Dispatch


        The Parma Fire Department welcomes you to our new web page.  Using up to date technology we are going to radically change how information is sent to the public.  Please visit often, as we will be posting updates on a daily basis.  Our updates will consist of newsworthy emergencies, daily training exercises, current projects, upcoming events, and much more.




Congratulations Captain Meno


All the crews attemped to gather at headquarters to celebrate Captain Meno's final shift after over 33 years of service.  It was short live as within minutes all our Med units and most Engines responded to several emergencies.



Season’s Gr-Eatings!

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home fires involving cooking equipment. By making safety part of the Thanksgiving dinner menu, you can avoid preventable cooking fires. Here are some steps to follow when preparing your holiday feast:
· Test your smoke alarms to make sure they are working;
· Keep children at least 3 feet away from the stove; and
· Keep an eye on what you are cooking.
In recent years, deep-frying turkeys has become a popular cooking method. While fried turkey may be a tasty addition to your meal, cooking with deep-fat turkey fryers can be a recipe for disaster! They have a high risk of tipping over, overheating or spilling hot oil - which can lead to fires, burns and other injuries.
For a safer alternative to deep-frying your bird, the National Fire Protection Association encourages the use of an outdoor turkey cooking appliance that does not use oil.


Many NE Ohio fire departments give out dual sensor smoke alarms; say homeowners need two types


Winter Tips: Carbon monoxide safety


That time again