PFD Dispatch


        The Parma Fire Department welcomes you to our new web page.  Using up to date technology we are going to radically change how information is sent to the public.  Please visit often, as we will be posting updates on a daily basis.  Our updates will consist of newsworthy emergencies, daily training exercises, current projects, upcoming events, and much more.



Entries by FF Bryan Downie (24)


Hollywood House Fire


Working House Fire On Hollywood.


Parma Engine Companies 1, 2, 3, 5 and Parma Hts. Ladder Co. operated at a working house fire on Hollywood around 1:30pm. No one was home at the time of the fire, it was reported by neighbors. In this photo, a water supply has already been established, a second hose line is being stretched to back up the first line already working inside the home. A crew is headed to the roof to perform vertical ventilation and other crews are assembling for anticipated actions. Having the proper of amount of manpower on the scene allows for multiple functions to be accomplished simultaneously early in the incident. This results in less property damage and a safer and more effective operation.




Parma Fire Companies operated at a working fire at a condo on Hilltop Oval a short time ago. Engines 2, 1 4 and Rescue 3 were on scene. Engine 2 arrived to find smoke coming through the attached garage of the condo. The residents were outside and reported that there was a fire in the basement.

Crews conducted an interior attack, located and extinguished the fire in about 15 minutes. The fire was contained to the basement, there were no injuries.



A promotion ceremony was held on Friday January 4, 2013 at council chambers. Lt. Mike Laky was promoted to Captain and FF Dave Higginbotham was promoted to Lieutenant. Both members are 18 year veterans of the Parma Fire Department, in fact they were hired on the same day in 1995.


Early Picture Of Parma Theatre Fire

This picture was taken by the son of a PFD firefighter who was stopped in front of the theatre due to a crew painting the road lines nearby.